Reduction of labia majora, labia majoraplasty operation
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Yasal Uyarı | Reduction of labia majora, labia majoraplasty operation
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Labia majora is named as Outer or big genital lips. If labia majora on the outer part of the genital area which is covered with hair is larger than normal or sagged, it makes some aesthetical problems. In this case, larg e and sagged labia majora is reduced with a surgical operation and corrected. Reduction of labia majora is a kind of labiaplasty operation. This operation is also known as Labia majoraplasty. Labia majora is reduced with labia majoraplasty operation and made more stretched, flat and smooth., Genital Aesthetic in Antalya, Genital aesthetic surgeries are operations which enable restoration of the congenital deformities on vulva-vagina area of women and at birth. All Treatments by Op.Dr.Güray Ünlü Genital Aesthetic Doctor in Antalya Clinic, Reduction of labia majora, labia majoraplasty operation