G Shot Augmentation Antalya

Yasal Uyarı | G Shot Augmentation Antalya

Bu web sitesindeki içerikler tamamen  tanıtım ve bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Sağlık probleminizin çözümü için doktor muayenesi gerekmektedir.Bu sitedeki bilgilerin hekim kontrolü olmaksızın uygulanması durumunda oluşabilecek her tür şikayet ve durumdan Op.Dr. Güray Ünlü sorumlu değildir.

The G spot is one of the points giving most pleasure to women after clitoris. It is located 2-3 cm inside of vaginal entrance and on the upper wall. G point is associated with ‘vaginal orgasm’ (coital orgasm). G point augmentation is also known as ‘G point augmentation’ or ‘G spot amplification’. Applying filler materials to G spot with special needles is named as ‘G shot augmentation’. With G Shot injections, benefits can be achieved in order to increase pleasure in sexual intercourse and to provide or facilitate orgasm function. G Spot augmentation can also be done with autologous fat filling., Genital Aesthetic in Antalya, Genital aesthetic surgeries are operations which enable restoration of the congenital deformities on vulva-vagina area of women and at birth. All Treatments by Op.Dr.Güray Ünlü Genital Aesthetic Doctor in Antalya Clinic, G Shot Augmentation Antalya