Gynecologist Turkey / Antalya
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What is Perineoplasty surgery?
- Perineoplasty is a surgery that tightens the area between your anus and vagina (the perineum). It improves sexual satisfaction, restores function and helps narrow your vaginal opening after childbirth or trauma.
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Gynecologist Turkey / Antalya
What does a vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty is the creation of a vagina and vulva (clitoris, labia minora and labia majora) from your existing genital tissue, including the penis and scrotum. Orchiectomy (surgical removal of the testicles) is often performed at the same time as vaginoplasty but can also be performed at an earlier time in transition.What is the meaning of cosmetic procedures?
Cosmetic procedures are performed to reshape structures of the body and to alter a person's appearance. Like any form of surgery, cosmetic procedures need a specialist surgeon trained in the procedure, including appropriate recovery time, healing and proper care.
What does a prolapse look like in a woman?
How do you fix a prolapse without surgery?
- The two non-surgical options for prolapse are pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and a vaginal pessary. PFMT can be effective for mild prolapse but is usually not successful for moderate and advanced prolapse. The main alternative to surgery for prolapse is a vaginal pessary.
When do you need surgery for vaginal prolapse?
- If your pelvic organ prolapse doesn't bother you, your health care provider might recommend treating your prolapse without surgery. If symptoms get worse and significantly affect your quality of life, surgery might be needed. Weakness of the pelvic floor often affects more than one area.
Can you fix vaginal stenosis?
- Vaginal dilation therapy is a fantastic option for preventing and treating vaginal stenosis. Vaginal dilation therapy aims to gently stretch the vaginal walls over an extended period of time, usually weeks or even months, using methods that make use of therapeutic devices specifically for that purpose.
Do they cut you when giving birth?
- Sometimes a doctor or midwife may need to make a cut in the area between the vagina and anus (perineum) during childbirth. This is called an episiotomy. An episiotomy makes the opening of the vagina a bit wider, allowing the baby to come through it more easily.
What does introitus mean?
- The entrance to introitus (plural introituses) (medicine) The entrance to a hollow organ or canal; often specifically the entrance to the vagina.
How can I make my vagina look younger naturally?
- Kick up the kegels. ...
- Get busy more often. ...
- Use mild soaps when cleaning. ...
- Stay hydrated. ...
- Try herbal steaming. ...
- Change the way you think. ...
- If all else fails, consider laser treatments.
- What is the #1 cosmetic surgery?
- #1 Facelift/ Rhytidectomy
- A facelift or a Rhytidectomy is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and aging, sagging facial skin.
Which country is best for Cosmetic Gynecology?
- Turkey / Antalya has for many years been known to be a country that provides world-class cosmetic surgery. It also boasts of having some of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Op.Dr.Guray Unlu Call to Us ...
What is Cosmetic Gynecology?
- Over time, age and events such as pregnancy and childbirth can affect the internal and external structure of the vagina, causing changes in both its appearance and physical response to stimuli. The aim of cosmetic gynecology is to make improvements to the appearance or function of the vagina and labia — in many cases, both goals are accomplished simultaneously. The results of these surgical procedures can improve the enjoyment of sexual activities, while also having a rejuvenating effect on the genitals to make the body appear younger or more aesthetically pleasing.
Cosmetic gynecology in Turkey Antalya
- Cosmetic gynecology, also known as aesthetic gynecology, is quickly becoming one of the most popular subspecialties of elective surgery for women. This includes aesthetic procedures to help improve the appearance of the external vulvar or vaginal region. In fact, labiaplasty procedures have become one of the largest growing trends in cosmetic surgery procedures for women.
- A labiaplasty addresses the size and shape of the labia. The labia are the folds of skin that frame the opening of the vagina. Although there is a significant amount of variation in the appearance of the labia from woman to woman, many women seek this procedure due to having a natural excess of skin near the vagina. An excess of skin, although normal, may cause discomfort or may make sexual intercourse difficult. A labiaplasty procedure removes excess skin from both sides of the labia to reduce their overall size and can also correct asymmetry if necessary.
- Another popular cosmetic gynecology procedure is called vaginoplasty. This procedure focuses on reducing the width of the vagina. Although the vagina is naturally designed to stretch during intercourse and childbirth, the tissues of the vagina can also lose elasticity over time, particularly in women who have had multiple childbirths in a short amount of time. This permanent stretching can affect a women’s enjoyment and stimulation during sex. A vaginoplasty focuses on making repairs to the rear vaginal wall, reducing the overall width of the vagina. Although vaginoplasty is thought to be a cosmetic procedure, it can also be used as a reconstructive procedure for tissue defects that have occurred during or after childbirth.
Thermiva®/Viveve® Antalya Turkey
- Thermiva®/Viveve® is the latest trend in aesthetic gynecology and is a non-surgical procedure that uses radio frequency to treat the intimate tissues, including the labia and vagina. This procedure tightens the soft tissue of the vagina and labia and can increase sensitivity while decreasing pain during intercourse. This is an ideal operation for women who want to improve the appearance of these delicate body parts and enhance their sexual experiences without having to deal with a surgical procedure.
The bottom line Antalya turkey
What is a Sacrocolpopexy procedure?
- Robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy is a type of surgery. It is done to repair pelvic organ prolapse. The surgery is done with special tools. Your pelvis is a bowl-shaped cavity made of a set of bones in the lower part of your belly (abdomen). Within this area there are several organs.
Does a perineorrhaphy tighten the vagina?
- Perineorrhaphy, also called perineoplasty, is a female cosmetic genital surgery that works on the perineal muscles and tightens the vagina. The perineum is the visible area between the vagina and the rectum. It undergoes tearing during childbirth, and episiotomies are cut.
What can I do to tighten my vagina?
What can be used to tighten the vagina?
Is Cosmetic Gynecology surgery painful?
The foremost question that pops up in mind before going for plastic surgery is how much will it hurt? Fortunately, due to recent innovation and advancement of technology, the pain has significantly reduced. However, some amount of pain and discomfort is inevitable in every type of surgery.